Deep tissue massage focuses on softening muscles and connective tissues, like tendons. This type of massage is used to ease tense muscles in your neck, shoulders, or back. Another benefit of deep tissue massages are that they allow for more effective chiropractic adjustments. Our massage therapists are highly-trained in the deep tissue technique, allowing us to perform massages that are both relaxing and therapeutic.
Deep tissue massage is used to treat a variety of issues including:
- Chronic pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Restricted mobility
- Accident injuries
- Sports injuries
At Duncan Chiropractic Group, we believe that chiropractic care and massage therapy should be utilized in concert to achieve greater outcomes for our patients. Our chiropractors and massage therapists work together to form comprehensive care plans for pain relief, alleviation of muscloskeletal tension, and overall wellness. If you're looking for a soothing deep tissue massage that relieves muscle tension, we are ready to help.
Our massage therapists have the experience and training needed to provide you with a beneficial deep tissue massage. Contact us today to schedule your massage.