Pediatric massage is designed specifically for working with infants, children, and adolescents, taking into consideration their individual physical and cognitive development. Although massage is traditionally associated with adults, children can benefit from this mild therapy as well. At Duncan Chiropractic Group, we perform careful massages that are modified for each child's unique needs, emphasizing relaxation and therapeutic benefits alike.
When considering pediatric massages, it is important to remember that many children struggle with musculoskeletal issues and stress in the same manner as adults. Injury, poor posture, or other factors can all lead to musculoskeletal pain and discomfort for children. Likewise, some children experience large degrees of stress, which is managed and alleviated by professional massage therapy.
Therapeutic Benefits of Pediatric Massage Therapy
- Decrease anxiety
- Reduce pain
- Improve muscle tone
- Enhance pulmonary function
- Improve self esteem
- Promote well-being
We employ pediatric massage as an independent therapy as well as a compliment to our pediatric chiropractic treatments. This specialized form of massage is helpful for relieving everyday stress, pain from injury, and improving the physical/emotional symptoms of various pediatric medical conditions. The symptoms of chronic conditions such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, digestive issues, and autism spectrum disorders can all be managed with pediatric massage therapy.
Duncan Chiropractic Group has the expertise to perform effective massage therapy for any child. Contact us today to learn more about our pediatric massage therapies.